Please do not attempt to use any of the techniques or exercises found in the blog posts below unless you are a suitably qualified therapist and or under the supervision of such. For any questions or enquiries I can be contacted at

Monday 11 April 2011

Active Release Technique - Vastus Medialis

Here we have another demonstration of the versatility of Active Release Technique.  The clip shows one of the possible positions for release of the Vastus Medialis.  The technique is being employed here to facilitate improvement in ROM several years post ACL reconstruction, where post surgical procedure and initial rehabilitation had failed to establish full flexion and extension.  The athlete shown being an ex-international Handball player from Poland.


  1. I am actually in need for this particular info. Good thing I had the chance to visit your site, you really made your blog a good source of learning. I'll be checking out for more updates. thanks a lot and a job well done for you!
    active release technique tacoma

  2. Great information. I have nearly complete VM activation failure (post-surgical; 3rd ACL replacement & extensive OA currently) and have to find some options to work on it as I am closing in quickly on a replacement. I am hoping to find a few things that will help me alleviate this issue as much as possible prior to surgery. ROM (and IT issues) have nearly sidelined me. TY!

  3. This is nice information. There are lot of information about Active Release Technique. Thanks for sharing this video. Good work keep it up !!
    Sport Injury

  4. Active Release Technique or simply ART is becoming more and more popular today as an alternative treatment for sports injuries and other repetitive physical ailments. It is a soft-tissue system / massage-based technique that helps address problems in muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Click to get the services of Chiropractor For Shoulder Pain, Active Release Chiropractic and Denver Colorado Chiropractors. This technique is done in chiropractic clinics and should be done by a licensed chiropractor.
